North Road Surgery: GP Project
North Road Surgery is located in Kew and has a total of 6,893 patients registered. The surgery received a huge influx of patients in 2012 as a result of the closure of Kew Gardens Surgery. The practice has one practice manager, five doctors (two permanent, two part-time and one semi-retired), one healthcare assistant, one practice nurse, seven receptionists and one practice secretary.
- Patients are highly satisfied with their experience of the surgery and they singled out the high quality of care delivered by the whole staff team
- Many patients said that they had confidence in the clinical staff, didn’t have any problems in discussing problems with them and felt empathy was shown by doctors towards their patients
- The practice proactively promotes patient advocacy, ensuring that changes to the surgery are based on patient voices
- They provided a diverse range of updated information for patients, which was clearly displayed on a table and on notice boards around the waiting room
- The surge of patients diverted after the closure of Kew Gardens Surgery has presented the practice with a demand that outweighs capacity.
- About half of patients we spoke to found it difficult to get an appointment when they needed on and were unsatisfied with the appointment booking system
- The premises are too small for the number of patients attending the surgery and the practice is hoping to move to new larger premises to resolve this issue
For further information please read our full report available below.
Reviewing GP services
In total we reviewed just under half the GP Surgeries located in the borough. Are you interested in reading the reports of the other GP practices we have visited?