Twickenham Park Surgery: GP Project
Twickenham Park Surgery is located in Twickenham and has a total of 6,938 patients registered. The practice has two practice managers, seven doctors (five permanent, one with a one year contract, one locum), one healthcare assistant, one practice nurse, five receptionists and one administrative assistant.
- Patients at Twickenham Park Surgery are highly satisfied with their experience of the surgery
- The surgery takes a very proactive approach to feedback from patients
- We found staff treating the patients in a personal and extremely friendly manner. Patients were very positive about clinical staff and many said that they had confidence in their ability
- There is a holistic approach to care, where the medical and community care are not treated in isolation, but are integrated at the practice. This was evidenced by the inclusion of a community noticeboard, which encourages patients to become more involved in the community
- The surgery has a functional on-line appointment booking system as well as an automated telephone booking system that can be used by patients 24 hours a day
- The majority of patients told us that booking appointments was easy, that they had been able to book with the GP of their choice, that they could always get appointments when they needed
- Most patients were aware of the out-of-hours service as it was clearly advertised in the surgery and on the automated telephone system
For further information please read our full report below.
Reviewing GP services
In total we reviewed just under half the GP Surgeries located in the borough. Are you interested in reading the reports of the other GP practices we have visited?