Questions around local health or social care, but don't know who to ask?
Healthwatch Richmond's signposting and information service
Have a question about the NHS or social care? Don't know where to find the answers you need?
We can help answer your questions and provide advice about where you can access support.
020 8099 5335
Advice and information

MPox virus update
On 14 August 2024, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a public health emergency of international concern regarding the increase of Mpox –…

Guide to Richmond's NHS, Care and Support
The NHS, social care and local charities can provide a range of help. We've produced this downloadable leaflet to help you find help when you…

Guide to Richmond's NHS, Care and Support - printable version
The NHS, social care and local charities can provide a range of help. We've produced this downloadable leaflet to help you find help when you…

COVID-19 Vaccinations FAQ
When will I get the vaccine? Where is it distributed? Find the answers to all your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine below in this FAQ.