Hampton Wick Surgery: GP Project

Hampton Wick Surgery is located in Hampton Wick and has a total of 9,500 patients registered. The practice has one practice manager, nine doctors, two healthcare assistants, two practice nurses, and a team of medical administrators.
- Overall, patients were very satisfied with the service that the practice provides
- Most patients told us that they were happy with the overall care and treatment, and that they understood the treatments or referrals offered
- The practice environment was generally very good, clean and pleasant
- There are significant problems with making contact with the practice by phone, with it frequently left unanswered. These problems were expressed by patients and staff and witnessed by our visitors during the visit and our staff when booking the visit
- We felt that more could be done to help patients to access information and the practice should consider improving the way that patients are signposted to local support such as voluntary organisations
- Hub patients told us that they had a positive experience: they booked their appointments over the phone with their own practice, were given an appointment on the day they rang and they found Hampton Wick an easy practice to access.
For further information please read our full report available below.
Reviewing GP services
In total we reviewed just under half the GP Surgeries located in the borough. Are you interested in reading the reports of the other GP practices we have visited?