COVID-19 Vaccinations FAQ

- How do I get my 2nd or booster vaccination if I have had my previous covid-19 vaccinations while abroad?
- How will I know when I can get a vaccine?
- Where will the vaccine be administered?
- What vaccines are currently available?
- How effective are the vaccines?
- Will the vaccines work with the new strains?
- How safe are the vaccines?
- What are the potential side effects?
- Is it safe to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine?
- Are the vaccinations safe for people with long-term conditions?
- Can I have the vaccine if I am pregnant, planning to get pregnant or breastfeeding?
- Religious concerns
- Vaccinations for 12 to 17 year olds
- Vaccinations for children aged 5 to 11
- How will fear of needles (needle phobia) be managed?
- Can people choose what vaccine they receive
- What ingredients are in the vaccine? What if I have allergies/dietary requirements?
- Can I pay for a COVID-19 vaccine privately or at a pharmacy?
- What is being done to encourage vaccine uptake in BAME and other disproportionately affected communities/groups?
- If I have already had Covid-19 and recovered, do I still need to get vaccinated?
- How do I change my vaccination appointment?
- Do I need a COVID Pass and how can I access one?
- Can you get the flu vaccination and COVID-19 booster vaccination together?
- Who is eligible for COVID-19 booster vaccination?
- What booster vaccines are advised for adults aged 75 and over?
- What booster vaccines are advised for adults aged 18 to 74?
- What booster vaccines are advised for children?
Who is eligible for boosters?
Individuals who would be offered COVID-19 booster vaccine:
- residents in a care home for older adults
- all adults aged 65 years and over
- persons aged 6 months to 64 years in a clinical risk group
- frontline health and social care workers
- persons aged 12 to 64 years who are household contacts of people with immunosuppression
- persons aged 16 to 64 years who are carers and staff working in care homes for older adults
2. How do I get my booster vaccination if I have had my previous covid-19 vaccinations while abroad?
You do not need to give the NHS evidence for any COVID-19 vaccinations you or your child have had outside England.
If you’re eligible for future COVID-19 vaccinations, the NHS will invite you to book an appointment, even if your vaccination record has not been updated with COVID-19 vaccinations you’ve had outside England.
If you need proof of COVID-19 vaccination for travel or for any other purpose, you can use the original documents from the country where you had your vaccination.
3. How will I know when I can get a vaccine?
If you're eligible, you can get a seasonal COVID-19 vaccine by booking online, on the NHS App or by going to a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination site.
You can book online to get your seasonal COVID-19 vaccine at a vaccination centre or pharmacy.
Book your appointment on the NHS App
You can check if you're eligible for a seasonal COVID-19 vaccine and book an appointment.
Go to a walk-in vaccination site
Find a walk-in vaccination site to get your seasonal COVID-19 vaccine without needing an appointment.
If you cannot book appointments online or on the NHS App, you can call 119 free of charge. You can speak to a translator if you need to.
If you have difficulties communicating or hearing, or are a British Sign Language (BSL) user, you can use textphone 18001 119 or the NHS 119 BSL interpreter service.
4. Where will the vaccine be administered?
In England, the vaccine is being offered in some hospitals, pharmacies, GP Surgeries and vaccination centres.
5. What vaccines are currently available?
The COVID-19 vaccines currently approved for use in the UK are:
6. How effective are the vaccines?
Anyone who gets COVID-19 can become seriously ill or have long-term effects (long COVID). The COVID-19 vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and others.
Research has shown the vaccines help:
- reduce your risk of getting seriously ill or dying from COVID-19
- reduce your risk of catching or spreading COVID-19
- protect against COVID-19 variants
Seasonal vaccines are offered because viruses change, and protection fades over time.
A vaccine helps give you good protection from becoming seriously ill or needing to go to hospital if you catch COVID-19.
Read more about vaccine effectiveness statistics on the Office of National Statistics website
7. Will the vaccines work with the new strains?
There is no evidence currently that the new strains will be resistant to the vaccines we have, so we are continuing to vaccinate people as normal. Scientists are looking now in detail at the characteristics of the virus in relation to the vaccines.
All viruses mutate, including the winter flu virus, often branch into different strains but these small variations rarely render vaccines ineffective. This does not mean the COVID-19 Vaccines will not be effective on new variants.
8. How safe are the vaccines?
Millions of adults and children around the world have had a COVID-19 vaccine and it gives you the best protection against COVID-19.
Like all medicines, the COVID-19 vaccines can cause side effects, but not everyone gets them.
The safety of the vaccines has been extensively reviewed in both adults and children by the independent Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
The MHRA are continuously monitoring the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines and reports of serious side effects are very rare.
Find out more about the MHRA on GOV.UK
9. What are the potential side effects?
The COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in the UK have met strict standards of safety, quality and effectiveness.
They can cause some side effects, but not everyone gets them.
Any side effects are usually mild and should not last longer than a week, such as:
- a sore arm from the injection
- feeling tired
- a headache
- feeling achy
- mild flu-like symptoms
- feeling or being sick
More serious side effects, such as allergic reactions or blood clotting, are very rare.
Find out more about COVID-19 vaccines side effects and safety
10. Is the AstraZeneca vaccine still being used in the UK?
The UK Government is not ordering future supplies of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.
Evidence shows that mRNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, are more effective at boosting protection from Covid-19, so these vaccines are being recommended for the seasonal booster programme.
11. Are the vaccinations safe for people with long-term conditions?
Vaccines will be approved if it is considered safe for people with long-term conditions. These vaccines are safe and effective for the vast majority of people – they have been tested on tens of thousands of people and assessed by experts. Your GP can advise on when you are eligible and will contact you with an appointment when it’s your turn.
A very small number of people who are at risk of COVID-19 cannot have the vaccine – this includes people who have severe allergies. Everybody will also be screened for potential allergic reactions before getting vaccinated. All vaccinators will have the training they need to deal with any rare cases of adverse reactions, and all venues will be equipped to care for people who need it – just like with any other vaccine.
The MHRA have updated their guidance to say that pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding can have the vaccine but should discuss it with a clinician to ensure that the benefits outweigh any potential risks. Women of childbearing age, those who are pregnant, or breastfeeding should read the detailed information available on the NHS UK.
12. Can I have the vaccine if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
It's strongly recommended that you get vaccinated against COVID-19 if you're pregnant or breastfeeding.
If you're pregnant:
If you're pregnant, it's important to get vaccinated to protect you and your baby. The antibodies your body produces in response to the vaccine can also give your baby protection against COVID-19.
You're at higher risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 if you're pregnant. If you get COVID-19 late in your pregnancy, your baby could also be at risk.
Evidence shows that most pregnant women with COVID-19 who need hospital treatment or intensive care in the UK have not been vaccinated.
It's safe to have the vaccine during any stage of pregnancy, from the first few weeks up to your expected due date. You do not need to delay vaccination until after you have given birth.
Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 reduces the risk of having a stillbirth.
There's no evidence COVID-19 vaccination increases the risk of having a miscarriage, pre-term birth or other complications in your pregnancy.
The COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any live viruses and cannot give you or your baby COVID-19.
They have been widely used during pregnancy in other countries and there have been no safety concerns. In the UK, over 100,000 pregnant women have been vaccinated.
13. Religious concerns
Some religious groups, such as Muslims and Jews, may be concerned about using vaccines containing gelatine from pigs. But some faith group leaders have stated the use of gelatine in vaccines is acceptable and does not break any religious rules.
If you have religious concerns about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, please discuss them with a trusted faith leader and have a conversation with a clinician at one of our walk in vaccination clinics.
14. Vaccinations for under for under 18s
Who can get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Everyone aged 5 and over can get a 1st and 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
People aged 16 and over, and some children aged 12 to 15, can also get a booster dose.
People aged 12 and over who had a severely weakened immune system when they had their first 2 doses, will be offered a 3rd dose and a booster (4th dose).
People aged 75 and over, people who live in care homes for older people, and people aged 12 and over who have a weakened immune system, will be offered a spring booster.
Which vaccine will under 18s receive and how many doses?
You do not need to wait for an invite and can get an appointment right now if you are in one of the following groups:
- 1st and 2nd doses for people aged 5 years old and over
- boosters for people aged 16 years old and over, plus at-risk children aged 12 to 15 years old
- spring boosters for people aged 75 years old and over, plus people aged 12 years old and over with a weakened immune system
- additional primary doses for people with a severely weakened immune system aged 12 years old and over
Can 16-17 year olds consent without their parents?
16 and 17-year-olds who are considering taking the COVID -19 vaccine will not need parental consent to do so. Current UK guidance states that at 16 years of age a young person is presumed in law to have the capacity to consent, so young people aged 16 or 17 years should consent to their own medical treatment.
How does the consent process work for 12 to 15 year olds?
All parents, or those with parental responsibility, are asked for consent and will usually make this decision jointly with their children. The information leaflet is addressed to the child (as the recipient of the vaccine) and encourages them to discuss the decision about the vaccine with their parents.
Healthcare professionals will speak to the young person and make every effort to contact the parent to seek their verbal consent. Young people may express a wish to have the vaccine and may have the capacity to provide informed consent themselves. Healthcare professionals have expertise in vaccinating young people and will be responsible for assessing whether they have enough understanding to self-consent.
15. How will fear of needles (needle phobia) be managed?
The team delivering vaccinated at local vaccination sites are experienced and will use practised methods to avoid any anxiety and stress, among young people. We have allowed for enough time to manage needle phobia. As a parent, please do give them reassurance.
16. Can people choose what vaccine they receive?
You cannot usually choose which vaccine you have. When you book, you'll only be offered appointments for vaccines that are suitable for you.
Most people can have any of the COVID-19 vaccines, but some people are only offered certain vaccines.
For example:
- if you're pregnant or under 40 you'll usually be offered appointments for the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccines
- if you're under 18, you'll only be offered the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine
17. What ingredients are in the vaccine? What if I have allergies/dietary requirements?
The Sanofi and GSK (VidPrevtyn Beta) COVID-19 vaccine contains an oil derived from sharks.
The other COVID-19 vaccines offered by the NHS do not contain animal products, including egg.
Find out more about the COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in the UK, including their ingredients:
18. Can I pay for a COVID-19 vaccine privately or at a pharmacy?
- No. Vaccinations are only available through the NHS. You can be contacted by the NHS, your employer, or a GP surgery local to you, to receive your vaccine. Remember, the vaccine is free of charge.
- The NHS will never ask you for your bank account or card details.
- The NHS will never ask you for your PIN or banking password.
- The NHS will never arrive unannounced at your home to administer the vaccine.
- The NHS will never ask you to prove your identity by sending copies of personal documents such as your passport, driving licence, bills or pay slips.
- If you receive a call you believe to be fraudulent, hang up. If you believe you have been the victim of fraud or identity theft you should report this directly to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040. Where the victim is vulnerable, and particularly if you are worried that someone has or might come to your house, report it to the Police online or by calling 101.
19. What is being done to encourage vaccine uptake in BAME and other disproportionately affected communities/groups?
We understand that some communities have specific concerns and may be more hesitant in taking the vaccine than others. The NHS is working collaboratively with partners to ensure vaccine messages reaches as diverse an audience as possible and are tailored to meet their needs. This includes engagement with community and faith-led groups, charities and other voluntary organisations.
The Covid-19 vaccination programme is available to everyone, regardless of immigration status. In line with published national guidance, migrants to England, including anyone living in the UK without permission, will be eligible for a vaccine when it is their turn. An NHS number is not needed to be eligible for a Covid vaccination. However, it is helpful to be registered with a GP so that the NHS can invite patients to book a Covid-19 vaccination appointment when it is their turn. Registration with a GP also enables the vaccinator to check for safety issues or medical reasons why the person should not be vaccinated at that time, and to check for previous vaccinations. Patients do not need to show proof of address, ID or immigration status to register with a GP. This also applies if you are an asylum seeker, refugee, a homeless patient or an overseas visitor, whether lawfully in the UK or not.
20. How do I change my vaccination appointment?
If you can't make your appointment then cancel it and rebook another appointment.
You can do this either by the details that you get on your appointment confirmation, by contacting your GP (if they arranged your appointment) or through the NHS Book or manage your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination page.
Changing your appointment online is easy:
- Click this link
- Cancel your existing vaccination appointment
- Book a new vaccination at a date that you can make
You'll need to answer some questions when you click through like giving your NHS number - this is a 10 digit number you can find on any letter the NHS has sent you. For example, 485 777 3546
If you do not know your NHS number you can still book your vaccination appointments.
21. Do I need a COVID Pass and how can I access one?
An NHS COVID Pass shows your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination details or test results. You may be asked to show your pass to travel abroad, or at events and venues in the UK when asked for proof of your COVID-19 status.
Since 27 January, it is no longer mandatory for venues to require attendees to demonstrate their COVID-19 status. However, some venues or events may still choose to require proof of COVID-19 status as a condition of entry to reduce risk for attendees and staff. You will be able to show vaccination status, a negative test (PCR or lateral flow) taken in the past 48 hours or exemption through the NHS COVID Pass. The domestic NHS COVID Pass does not recognise natural immunity.
From 1 April, the Government will remove the current guidance on domestic voluntary COVID-status certification and will no longer recommend that certain venues use the NHS COVID Pass.
You can get the NHS Covid Pass either:
- two weeks after your second vaccine dose (From 19 November 2021, your COVID Pass will include your COVID-19 booster vaccination if you have had one. There may be a delay for any vaccination appearing on your COVID pass of up to 2 weeks)
- if you've had a negative PCR or lateral flow test result in the past 48 hours - and have reported it on the NHS website (this pass lasts for 48 hours after the result)
- if you have had a positive PCR test result within the past six months, and have finished self-isolating (this pass lasts for 180 days after the result) - this is not recognised for domestic use but only for travel
You can access your COVID pass by
- Downloading the the NHS App
- Requesting a letter online here:
- Calling NHS 119
22. Can you get the flu vaccination and COVID-19 booster vaccination together?
Most people who can get a COVID-19 booster vaccine are also eligible for the annual flu vaccine. If you are offered both vaccines, it's safe to have them at the same time. Co-administration will be considered if the patient is eligible for both programmes and supply and regulation allows.
23. What booster vaccines are advised for adults aged 75 and over?
You will be given a booster dose of either Pfizer or Moderna vaccine*. Both vaccines boost well and have already been given to millions of people in the UK.
*You may be offered the AstraZeneca vaccine if this is what you had for your previous doses and you cannot receive either of the other vaccines
27. What booster vaccine are advised for adults aged 18 to 74?
Advised for use in adults aged 18 to 74 years:
- Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA (Comirnaty) bivalent Original/Omicron BA.4-5 vaccine.
- Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA monovalent XBB vaccine
- Moderna mRNA (Spikevax) bivalent Original/Omicron BA.4-5
- Moderna mRNA monovalent XBB vaccine
27. What booster vaccine are advised for children?
Advised for use in people aged 12 to 17 years:
- Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA (Comirnaty) bivalent Original/Omicron BA.4-5 vaccine. Dose: 30 micrograms
- Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA monovalent XBB vaccine (subject to licensure)
Advised for use in people aged 5 to 11 years:
- Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA monovalent XBB vaccine paediatric formulation (subject to licensure)
Advised for use in people aged 6 months to 4 years:
- Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA monovalent XBB vaccine infant formulation (subject to licensure)