The value of listening: Healthwatch Richmond Annual Report 2023-2024

Read about our work and impact in 2023-24 and our plans for 2024-25.

"Healthwatch Richmond [found that] the permanent closures of two Boots stores in a local area put huge pressure on a third branch... Closures across the country are causing huge issues, and they disproportionately affect people who struggle to get to their local pharmacy."

  • Head of Policy, Public Affairs & Research, Healthwatch England

Key highlights from our year include: 

  • 1,217 people engaged with us or shared their experiences of health and social care services with us, helping to raise awareness of issues and improve care 
  • 203 people came to us for clear advice and information about topics such as dentistry, social care or access to support, up from 130 people last year.
  • We received £146,000 and we spent £164,000 - thanks additional income from commissioned work and interest on our investments.
  • People saw our communications almost 100,000 times and engaged with them almost 20,000 times
  • Heard from around 1 in 6 households in Hampton North and fought for improved pharmacy provision after closures there
  • Secured the recommissioning of the valuable Crisis Cafes
  • Challenged the unsatisfactory consultation on children's cancer care
  • Fought for better NHS Dentistry provision for Richmond residents

"[Healthwatch Richmond] concluded that the consultation “fails the legal test”  and appears to have no prospect of altering the decision to award the new service to the Evelina. I urge the Secretary of State to call this in and have it looked at again. The voices of children, parents, clinicians and patient groups must be heard, I do not believe that they are."

  • Munira Wilson MP, Hansard, 13.03.2024

Read the full report

The value of listening

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