Where to get my blood test appointment? Read our Phlebotomy Report

Kingston Hospital contacted Healthwatch Richmond to conduct a survey that would help understand better the needs of patients in terms of blood tests appointments.
The aim was to collect patient’s views on their phlebotomy experience, in order to better understand patients’ needs and preferences.

The main takeaways of the survey about the booking of their blood test appointments were the following:

  • People are predominantly interested in booking blood tests at their GP practices.
    Nevertheless, there was no awareness of phlebotomy outside of Kingston Hospital within the sample.
  • Location plays a key role in the decision to book a phlebotomy appointment and people are unlikely to travel more than 15 minutes for it.
  • Indeed, the cost and the time of travel are major obstacles to an optimal experience. Without having a specific question about it in the survey, many concerns about the parking situation in Kingston Hospital were raised including the lack of parking spots, the time it consumes to look for a parking spot, and the cost.
  • GP practices should provide appointment times and days that people want access to phlebotomy appointments. 
  • Finally, a considerable amount of praise of the phlebotomy service in Kingston emerged. Many unsolicited comments described the service as outstanding, from an organisational, skill and human perspective. 


Click here to read our full report

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