Together we can: Annual Report 2022–23
2023 marks the 10-year anniversary of the launch of Healthwatch and, having run Healthwatch Richmond since its inception in 2013, we are delighted to present our Annual Report 2022-23.

It is difficult to list all of our achievements and the difference that we have made to the community in the past 10 years, but some highlights include:
- Our local work was among the first warnings of the scale of the crisis in NHS Dentistry and contributed significantly to the national pressure that led to the Parliamentary Dentistry Inquiry. . Our work led directly to improvements that mean people can more easily find an NHS dentist.
- Healthwatch work with Hospitals led to improvements in staffing levels, and the implementation of comfort rounds to ensure that patients didn’t need to wait long for assistance. Clinicians were included in the assessment for non-emergency transport ensuring fairer access and support around meal times was improved.
- Healthwatch’s report on the experiences of nearly 1,600 young people informed the Children and Young People’s Plan and led to improvements including better support in schools and the implementation of online counselling services. Some of the challenges that we identified around long waiting lists and high thresholds unfortunately still exist some 7 years later.
Our first 10 Years in numbers:
- 239,000 Guides to Richmond’s NHS care & Support delivered to homes
- 222,430 visitors to our website
- £105,000 of extra investment into Healthwatch Richmond activity beyond our contractual income from our other charitable work
- 13,716 people engaged through 393 engagement sessions and 50 events
- 10,969 people’s views included in our research, Enter & View and related work
- 96 people have supported our work including:
- 49 amazing volunteers
- 29 fabulous trustees
- 17 wonderful members of staff