Crane Park Surgery: GP Project
Crane Park Surgery is located in Whitton Corner Health and Social Care Centre, Percy Rd, Twickenham TW2 6JL. It shares this location and notably a waiting room with Jubilee Medical Practice. We spoke to patients from both practices but, except where commenting about the waiting areas, have only used the feedback from Crane Park Surgeries patients in the production of this report.
Crane Park Surgery has over 3000 patients registered. We were told that this was a 50% increase in patients since the practice moved to the Whitton Corner Centre in 2012 and that there was an approximate increase of 10% over the past 12 months.
At the time of our visit the practice was advertising for more patients to join its list. Patients are served by one full time and two part time doctors, a part time practice nurse, a practice manager, and an administrator.
- Crane Park Surgery was highly valued by its patients who felt that they received a personal service from the practice
- All of the patients that we spoke to provided positive feedback and praise for the staff at the practice.
- The practice benefits from an accessible, purpose built environment that is well appointed and appropriate for its purpose.
- Patients told us that their experience of booking appointments was generally positive with most patients able to get emergency sane day appointment
- The practice would benefit from improving communication to patients about the other services that are available to them such as out of hours care and urgent care available via NHS 111
- The availability of translation services should therefore be promoted in a range of community languages within the practice
For further information please read our full report available below.
Reviewing GP services
In total we reviewed just under half the GP Surgeries located in the borough. Are you interested in reading the reports of the other GP practices we have visited?