GP Appointment Booking Survey

Help Healthwatch Richmond understand how to improve GP appointment booking!
Doctor on phone

Booking GP appointments has changed over the last few years. Patients are now encouraged to complete online forms and the NHS app rather than phone at 8am. The way appointments then take place has also changed as 'virtual consultations' become increasingly common. 

Healthwatch Richmond want to understand what you, as Richmond residents, think about this change. Has it made it easier or harder to get the help you need? 

We are also interested in the additional roles now employed by GP Practices, including: physician’s associates, physiotherapists, mental health link workers, social prescribers and more. Have you been seen by one of these professionals recently? 

Please fill out this survey to tell us about your experience. It should take you between 5-10 minutes to complete and your answers will be anonymous. 

Thank you for your help.

The survey is now closed. The report will be available to read soon. 

Please call us on 0208 099 5335 if you want to share your views. 

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