Coronavirus information for children, young people and families
Information on how to answer your child/young person's questions on coronavirus and useful resources to ease their anxiety. Plus, just for teens, there is up to date information and tips for staying well.
The NHS is now offering Covid-19 vaccination for children aged 5 to 11. Why should children take the vaccine? What vaccine will they be offered? Read to find out more.
If you're a young person and you're concerned about the spread of coronavirus amongst kids and teens, below are some resources and information for you.
The Covid-19 pandemic is full of uncertainties and you may be asked by your school, college or workplace to stay at home for a period of time. It is now more important then ever that you look after yourself and your wellbeing. But how?
If you live with your family or carers talk to them about how this will work and share your feelings, if you can.
The government and the NHS are taking necessary steps to manage the pandemic, reduce transmission and treat those who need medical attention. Here we explain what this means for children, young people and their families.